One of the most popular CBD products, CBD oil is a potent product that delivers the goodness of cannabidiol in a convenient form. There are several brands of CBD oils available in the market but you cannot trust all of them with their quality because there would be fraudster manufacturers launching CBD oil of poor quality into the market.
Here is a complete guide to CBD oils.
What Are The Sources Of CBD Oil?
CBD oil can be made from cannabis plants, marijuana, and hemp.
Marijuana is a cannabis plant that has high levels of THC. In addition to THC, it contains other compounds including CBD, CBN, CBG, and more. THC is an intoxicating compound that could cause a high in the users.
Hemp is a cannabis plant that contains minimal THC but good levels of CBD. It also contains many other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Hemp has been cultivated thousands of years ago for its seeds and fiber. The seeds are nutritious food supplements while the fiber has several industrial applications.
Although CBD oils can be sourced from marijuana, the US government requires CBD products to be derived from hemp if they have to be deemed legal status.
CBD Oil Spectrum Options
CBD oils are available in three spectrum options:
Full-spectrum CBD oils contain all beneficial CBD compounds including THC. However, the THC percentage has to be maintained below 0.3%. Full-spectrum CBD products contain cannabinoids like CBD, THC, CBN, CBG, CBGA, as well as many cannabinoids and terpenes.
The cannabinoid profile of broad-spectrum CBD oil is similar to that of full-spectrum CBD oil but it has zero THC. Broad-spectrum CBD oil is a suitable option for people who have to undergo regular drug tests. Although the minimal THC percentage of full-spectrum CBD oil will not give you a high, it could cause a false positive drug result.
CBD Isolate
It is the purest form of CBD. Isolate CBD products do not contain any cannabinoids except CBD. Isolate CBD oils are the best option to go for if you want to enjoy the benefits of CBD alone.
How To Use CBD Oil?
You can either have CBD oil orally or take it sublingually. For better absorption, choose the sublingual method as the CBD oil taken sublingually is not subject to the first-pass effect of the liver.
Always buy the best quality CBD oil to ensure that your CBD experience is not disappointing.