CBD For Chronic Fatigue

Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a disorder that comes with extreme fatigue. Myalgic encephalomyelitis symptoms include tiredness always, fatigue after sleep, sleeping difficulty as well as issues with focus and memory. An underlying health condition cannot fully explain myalgic encephalomyelitis, so there is a lack of specific testing to diagnose the condition.

Several chronic fatigue sufferers will have to take measures to reduce stress and minimize physical exertion for adapting their daily routines in the long run. An increasing number of people have been turning to CBD for chronic fatigue over the last few years. Now, is there any piece of evidence showing that it can help with chronic fatigue?

Can Cannabidiol Help You With Fatigue?

The results of a recent piece of research indicate that cannabis is potentially effective in addressing fatigue. As per the researchers concerned, cannabis improved fatigue symptoms. However, the researchers failed to address how much the primary effects of cannabis were down to cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol or a blend of both cannabinoids.

There is no study that has specifically looked into the primary effects of cannabidiol on chronic fatigue syndrome. Nevertheless, there is evidence to indicate that cannabidiol could aid in easing some symptoms related to the condition, which makes CBD a promising option for future studies.

There is not enough research about CBD and chronic fatigue syndrome, but many anecdotes have indicated that cannabidiol could help people with this condition. A CFS patient named Emma Franklin feels that cannabidiol has been an important part of her process of recovery.

Franklin started consuming cannabidiol to treat CFS, depression and anxiety. Over some weeks, she started to sleep more easily, which meant that she could go back to work after seven years. She has seen big improvements in her activity levels since her pain has reduced.

However, a promising anecdote or two is no substitute for scientific data. As we wait for the outputs of future research into cannabidiol and ME, let us discuss the related information that supports its use for fatigue.

Cannabidiol For Fatigue

Many studies have looked into CBD effects on fibromyalgia, which comes with extreme tiredness and chronic pain. Fibromyalgia and CFS are two different conditions, but their symptoms cross over. With evidence to indicate that phytocannabinoids could help fibromyalgia patients, could you say the same for CFS patients?

A 2017 review featured in the Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets journal, detailed a potential mechanism for cannabidiol’s therapeutic action for chronic pain patients. As per the authors, cannabidiol appears to make glia less active. Since CNS hypersensitivity is a typical chronic fatigue characteristic, these findings imply that cannabidiol could be efficacious in treating CFS.