CBD For Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

The condition known as myalgic encephalomyelitis causes excessive exhaustion. The signs of myalgic encephalomyelitis include exhaustion, fatigue even after sleeping, trouble falling asleep, as well as problems with concentration and memory. There are no particular tests available to diagnose myalgic encephalomyelitis, which makes it impossible to fully explain the condition by an underlying health issue.

A number of people who suffer from chronic fatigue will need to adjust their daily routines over time by taking steps to reduce stress and limit physical activity. Over the past few years, more people have started using CBD to treat chronic fatigue. Does it actually work to combat chronic fatigue, and if so, what data supports it?

Cannabidiol: A Fatigue Aid?

According to the findings of a recent study, cannabis may be useful in treating exhaustion. According to the study, cannabis reduced the effects of weariness. The researchers did not, however, address whether cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol, or a combination of the two cannabinoids was primarily responsible for the effects of cannabis.

The major effects of cannabidiol on chronic fatigue syndrome have not been specifically examined in any studies. However, some data suggests cannabidiol may help in reducing some of the condition’s symptoms, making CBD an intriguing choice for further research.

Although there isn’t enough data to draw conclusions, several anecdotes suggest that CBD may be beneficial for those who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Cannabidiol, in the opinion of Emma Franklin, a patient with CFS, has played a significant role in her rehabilitation.

To manage CFS, sadness, and anxiety, Franklin started using cannabidiol. She began to sleep better after a few weeks, allowing her to return to work after a seven-year hiatus. Since her discomfort has lessened, she has noticed significant changes in her level of activity.

An encouraging anecdote or two, however, cannot take the place of solid research. Let’s discuss the pertinent data that supports the usage of cannabidiol for exhaustion while we wait for the results of future studies into the substance.

Cannabidiol For Fatigue

The effects of CBD on fibromyalgia, which causes excessive fatigue and chronic pain, have been the subject of numerous research. Despite being two distinct illnesses, fibromyalgia and CFS have several symptoms. Can you say the same for individuals with CFS given the data suggesting that phytocannabinoids may benefit those with fibromyalgia?

An analysis published in the journal Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets in 2017 described possible mechanisms for cannabidiol’s therapeutic activity for those with chronic pain. The authors claim that cannabidiol seems to make glia lesser active.