A Primer About Making And Using CBD Butter

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CBD For Pain
Cannabidiol CBD
Cannabidiol CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD)derived from the hemp plant can be infused into edibles for its health benefits. Eating them can be useful for reducing the symptoms of various common day ailments. Apart from this, people also consume them for recreational purposes. Cannabidiol is oil-soluble, and mixing it with fatty food increases its bioavailability. CBD-infused butter is a popular ingredient that can be used for making foods and recipes; read on to know more about it.

What Is CBD Butter?

CBD butter is normal butter with cannabidiol (CBD). It is believed that including it in your diet can help with improving overall health.

How To Make CBD Butter?

Listed below are the ingredients and tools required for making CBD butter at home:

  • Butter
  • Dried hemp flower and buds
  • Grinder
  • Strainer
  • Funnel
  • Cheesecloth
  • Slow cooker

Steps For Making CBD Butter

  • The first step in making CBD butter is to roughly grind hemp flowers using the herb grinder.
  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Fahrenheit and bake the roughly grounded hemp flowers. This process is called decarboxylation, and its purpose is to activate the cannabinoids found in the hemp plant parts.
  • Melt the butter on low heat using a slow cooker or a saucepan.
  • Add the grounded and decarboxylated hemp flowers into the butter, stir gently until the flowers are submerged, and cover the slow cooker.
  • Let the mixture of butter and grounded hemp flowers simmer on low heat for at least one hour or as long as six to eight hours; this is to ensure that cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD)properly seeps into the butter.
  • Remove the mixture from the heat, and strain it through the metal strainer followed by a cheesecloth into a glass jar or container.
  • Refrigerate the CBD butter.

How Can You Use CBD Butter?

CBD butter can be used for making edibles like CBD chocolate, muffins, cookies, pastries, toast, and fried eggs. Also, it can be used instead of regular butter or margarine for experiencing the health benefits of cannabidiol. Furthermore, you can also use oils like coconut, olive, etc., instead of butter for extracting cannabidiol.

How Much CBD Can Be Added To CBD Butter?

When making CBD butter, it is good to add 1 cup of hemp flowers to 1 cup or 2 sticks of butter.